#80: What About My Relationship Demons?

How do you create more love and connection when you're afraid that love is the very thing that will hurt you?

In today's episode Bryce and Jenny take on a response to a question that was posed in the Facebook Community, "What's the hardest part about relationship for you?"

If you have ever felt like your relationship demons are keeping you from creating the love life and partnership of your dreams, listen in.

AND...last minute announcement...if you're interested in joining Bryce and Jenny for a LIVE ADVANCED RELATIONSHIP WEEKEND RETREAT THIS WEEKEND (Oct 9-11), email Bryce or Jenny for details.  Both couples and individuals are coming.  The cost is $399/individual and $699/couple, and includes the workshop and lodging at a lake house.  We have space for one more registration (of either one individual or one couple).  

Email Jenny: [email protected]
or Email Bryce: [email protected]

AND...if you're interested in a men's group, Bryce is starting up a 3rd men's group, email him (at the email above) if you want details.  

Lots of love!